Tobacco and Nicotine Product Regulatory Science Symposium

Conference summary
The Tobacco and Nicotine Product Regulatory Science Symposium will provide a forum for diverse stakeholders to share scientific studies and research from a wide range of disciplines. Presentations will focus on studies and research that are either conducted for or contribute to the U.S. regulatory process, which is established by the Tobacco Control Act and administered by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Tobacco Products (CTP). These presentations will be critiqued and discussed by expert panelists, and event attendees will also have the opportunity to engage in constructive dialogue with both presenters and panelists.
Chris Junker, Vice President, Life Science Capabilities, Vapor and W&S Submissions, will present “Measuring the Impact of Menthol and Tobacco-Flavored Vapor Product Use on Cigarette Smoking Cessation and Reductions: The Longitudinal Tobacco Use and Transitions Survey (LTTS)”.
Date(s) - March 30, 2023
Address - Washington, DC

Chris Junker
Vice President, Life Science Capabilities, Vapor and W&S Submissions